Online Learning Sessions to Enhance Your Understanding
Shelley’s practical online courses help educators learn more about relevant topics and ideas in inclusive education. Catch a live session or sign up for a self-paced online course.
Either way, you’ll find Shelley’s courses are filled with authentic conversations, guests with varying perspectives, participant questions, and information-rich content.
Resources that Support Understanding and Implementation of Inclusive Practices
Shelley’s online courses are designed with flexibility and authenticity in mind. Shelley often records sessions live, with a real audience to capture authentic conversations, guests with varying perspectives and participant questions. Each course has resources, downloadable templates, examples, and helpful links.

Inclusive & Competency-Based IEPs (ICBIEP)
Shelley takes you through the entire ICBIEP process in this course, from inception to application. Throughout the nine-video series, Shelley shares stories, examples, and practical strategies for ICBEIP. The course covers information such as the history and rationale of ICBEIP, the role of place, self-determination and student agency, constructing core competency goals, designing universal and essential supports and strategies, and more.

Join a Live Session
From time to time, Shelley hosts live online sessions. In single sessions she’ll share a strategy or dive further into a Five Moore Minutes video topic. In live series, Shelley hosts several online sessions that build on each other over time. Upcoming live sessions will be announced on the Five Moore Minutes Instagram and more information will be listed in the newsletter.